
ክፉት ቤተ መዘክር ትግራይ:

Tigrai is Ethiopia’s northern most state, bordering on Eritrea to thenorth and Sudan to the west. Tigrai is known as “the cradle ofEthiopian civilization” and the country’s “architectural workshop” witha rich cultural and religious heritage dating back to the time of KingSolomon and the Queen of Sheba, and to at least the first millenniumBC. A visit to Ethiopia is not complete without stopping in Tigrai toexplore the rock-hewn churches, ancient monasteries, undergroundpalaces, imperial tombs, countless stone inscriptions, and uniquepre-Christian obelisks. The region’s 120+ rock-hewn churches, mostconcentrated in the Wukro-Gheralta corridor, constitute the core ofTigrai’s open air museum

ክፉት ቤተ መዘክር ትግራይ: Read More »

ማቴዎስ- ፈላማይ ተርጓሚ ቅዱስ መፅሓፍ ትግርኛ

ማቴዎስ- ፈላማይ ተርጓሚ መፅሓፍ ቅዱስ ትግርኛ:: ታሪኽና ክንስንድ ስለዝይክኣልና ካብ ፈረንጂ ፀሓፍቲ ታሪኽ ክንምሃር ንግደድ ኣለና:: እዚ ሰነድ ብትግርኛ ክትርጎም ክባፃሕን ፃዕሪ ክንገብር ይግባእ፥፥

ማቴዎስ- ፈላማይ ተርጓሚ ቅዱስ መፅሓፍ ትግርኛ Read More »