Rebirth and Renewal: Celebrating the Inception of the Tigray Orthodox Tewahdo Church on this Historic Day!

I am elated to see the establishment of the Tigray Orthodox Tewahdo Church, a development that is of particular significance considering the historical roots of Christianity in Ethiopia. The birthplace of Ethiopian Christianity, Tigray, sadly lost its spiritual relevance since the 9th century. Over time, true religious teachings were replaced by hearsay, traditions, and egos, detracting from the essence of our faith.

Regrettably, tribalism and ethnic nationalism became the predominant forces contributing to the decline of the Ethiopian church. The distressing reality is that members of the Ethiopian synod were complicit in the genocide against the people of Tigray. The horrifying atrocities committed against our people — killings, rapes, dismemberments, and displacement — sparked an uprising against these heinous actions. This led to the Tigrayans’ decision to disassociate themselves from the Ethiopian synod, catalyzing the birth of the Tigray Orthodox Tewahdo Church.

I am immensely proud of the Tigray Church for making the morally righteous decision to sever ties with a church that had become more tribalistic and nationalistic than Christian, and more devoted to earthly powers than to Christ and God.

However, my greatest wish for the newly-formed Tigray Orthodox Tewahdo Church goes beyond just its inception. I yearn for the Church to avoid the pitfalls that led to the downfall of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. The Tigray Church should not merely separate itself from the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, but also strive to not replicate its errors.

The Tigray Orthodox Church should be guided solely by the Holy Bible, eschewing entanglements with political parties and institutions. Its mission should be to serve the needy and vulnerable amongst us. Therefore, for our celebrations to truly resonate, the Tigray Orthodox Church must not only separate itself but also undertake reforms to return to its original spiritual essence.

Temesgen Asmelash Gessesse
President of the Board of Trustees of the DGM TOT Church