
Rebirth and Renewal: Celebrating the Inception of the Tigray Orthodox Tewahdo Church on this Historic Day!

I am elated to see the establishment of the Tigray Orthodox Tewahdo Church, a development that is of particular significance considering the historical roots of Christianity in Ethiopia. The birthplace of Ethiopian Christianity, Tigray, sadly lost its spiritual relevance since the 9th century. Over time, true religious teachings were replaced by hearsay, traditions, and egos, detracting from the essence of our faith. Regrettably, tribalism and ethnic nationalism became the predominant forces contributing to the decline of the Ethiopian church. The distressing reality is that members of the Ethiopian synod were complicit in the genocide against the people of Tigray. The horrifying atrocities committed against our people — killings, rapes, dismemberments, and displacement — sparked an uprising against these heinous actions. This led to the Tigrayans’ decision to disassociate themselves from the Ethiopian synod, catalyzing the birth of the Tigray Orthodox Tewahdo Church. I am immensely proud of the Tigray Church for making the morally righteous decision to sever ties with a church that had become more tribalistic and nationalistic than Christian, and more devoted to earthly powers than to Christ and God. However, my greatest wish for the newly-formed Tigray Orthodox Tewahdo Church goes beyond just its inception. I yearn for the Church to avoid the pitfalls that led to the downfall of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. The Tigray Church should not merely separate itself from the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, but also strive to not replicate its errors. The Tigray Orthodox Church should be guided solely by the Holy Bible, eschewing entanglements with political parties and institutions. Its mission should be to serve the needy and vulnerable amongst us. Therefore, for our celebrations to truly resonate, the Tigray Orthodox Church must not only separate itself but also undertake reforms to return to its original spiritual essence. Temesgen Asmelash GessessePresident of the Board of Trustees of the DGM TOT Church  

Rebirth and Renewal: Celebrating the Inception of the Tigray Orthodox Tewahdo Church on this Historic Day! Read More »

Support for the Construction of the Debre Genet Medhanealem Tigrayan Orthodox Tewahdo Church in Las Vegas, Nevada

Dear leaders, priests, members, parishioners, and sister churches of every Tigrayan Orthodox Tewahdo Church in the United States of America and beyond, We, the Tigrayan community members of the Debre Genet Medhanealem Tigrayan Orthodox Tewahdo Church in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, are filled with immense pride and joy as we announce our plans to construct a new church building. Guided by the grace of God and the resilience of our people, we have successfully purchased a piece of land in a location that is strategically and conveniently situated. Across the United States, where numerous Tigrayans reside, we firmly believe that every city should have its own church. Such a monumental achievement can only be realized through the collective action of every Tigrayan, both in raising awareness and contributing financially. In unity, our combined efforts can work miracles, just as the Tigrayan proverb suggests: “Fifty lemons for one person is a heavy load to carry, whereas one lemon to one person is ornamental (Geitzi).” By helping each other, we can lighten the burden and bring our goal to fruition. We hereby call upon all sister churches globally, particularly those in the United States, to join us in this noble and holy endeavor. We also extend our heartfelt invitation to every Tigrayan individual worldwide to participate in this crucial project. Our commitment is unwavering, and we pledge to support you in the same way we ask for your assistance. We strive to build a church that future generations of Tigrayans can be proud of – a church that will help them retain their faith, uphold their ancestral heritage, traditions, and faith. We are nearing the completion of the permit application process and are eager to begin the actual construction. We hope that everyone who reads this message will feel inspired to contribute in any way they can to this historic and holy project. We ask for your support in the name of our savior Medhanealem and his mother, Saint Mary. We extend our gratitude for your anticipated assistance and generosity. May God bless you, our people in our homeland, and may God bless America. Thank you in advance for your support.  With warm regards, Temesgen Asmelash Gessesse President of the Board of Trustees of the Debre Genet Medhanealem Tigrayan Orthodox Tewahdo Church, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA ReplyForward

Support for the Construction of the Debre Genet Medhanealem Tigrayan Orthodox Tewahdo Church in Las Vegas, Nevada Read More »

Important Update on Church Building Construction Projects.

*We wish to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the ongoing permit process and the various steps involved.* Dear Members and Supporters of The Debre Genet Medhanealem Tigrayan Orthodox Tewahdo Church (DGM-TOT Church) We hope this message finds you well.  To begin with, the Board of Trustees of the church shares in your excitement as we witness the upcoming birth of Menbere Selama Kessate Berhan Holy Synod of Tigrayan Orthodox Tewahdo Church in the holy and historical city of Axum. It is monumental development and ታዝዓበየት ደበስ ንህዝቢ Tigray. ኣምላኽ ፍፃሜኡ የርእየና! ኣሜን!! In terms of our own church, the Board is immensely grateful for your generous contributions and unwavering support, which have brought us closer to our goal of realizing this long-awaited dream.  As noted earlier, Today, we would like to address a matter of utmost importance—the current status of the building construction and the reasons behind the delay in commencing the groundbreaking ceremony. We understand that there may be some confusion or lack of clarity among our community members, and we wish to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the ongoing permit process and the various steps involved. First and foremost, it is crucial to acknowledge that the funds raised thus far have been a tremendous achievement. However, we find ourselves in the position of requiring additional resources to ensure the successful completion of this project. We continue to actively seek additional financial support to bridge the funding gap, and we are confident that, together, we will overcome this hurdle. Furthermore, in order to begin the construction process, it is imperative that we obtain approval from Clark County. This involves a meticulous review of the comprehensive plans and designs prepared by our team of dedicated engineers specializing in civil engineering, mechanical systems, structural integrity, architecture, sewage systems, water supply, and site improvements. Each of these professionals plays a vital role in ensuring that our new church building meets all necessary safety and regulatory requirements. The review process by Clark County is a meticulous one, as they diligently assess each step and element of the project to ensure compliance with local building codes and regulations. It is essential that we adhere to these guidelines to guarantee the safety and well-being of all who will utilize the church facilities. While we understand the eagerness and anticipation within our community, it is important to recognize that the completion of these crucial steps takes time. The thoroughness of the approval process demonstrates our commitment to constructing a building that not only serves as a place of worship but also as a sanctuary for our congregation for generations to come. We kindly request your continued patience and understanding as we navigate the complexities of the permit process. We assure you that every effort is being made to expedite the necessary reviews and approvals without compromising on the quality and integrity of our project. Rest assured, we will keep you informed of any significant developments or updates regarding the construction timeline. We value your unwavering support and dedication, as we all collectively work towards the realization of this cherished endeavor. Before closing, we would like to take this as an opportunity to remind those who have not actively participated in contributing their share to come forward, and for the rest of us to put in double efforts to continue contributing and motivate others to join us. Thank you for your understanding, and may God bless each and every one of you. Sincerely, Temesgen Asmelash  Chairman of the Board of Trustees of DGM TOT Church 702-857-2752

Important Update on Church Building Construction Projects. Read More »

Tigrai’s Open Air Museum:

Tigrai is Ethiopia’s northern most state, bordering on Eritrea to thenorth and Sudan to the west. Tigrai is known as “the cradle ofEthiopian civilization” and the country’s “architectural workshop” witha rich cultural and religious heritage dating back to the time of KingSolomon and the Queen of Sheba, and to at least the first millenniumBC. A visit to Ethiopia is not complete without stopping in Tigrai toexplore the rock-hewn churches, ancient monasteries, undergroundpalaces, imperial tombs, countless stone inscriptions, and uniquepre-Christian obelisks. The region’s 120+ rock-hewn churches, mostconcentrated in the Wukro-Gheralta corridor, constitute the core ofTigrai’s open air museum

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